Friday, October 30, 2015

Gourdian Fun

This is a little smorgasbord of Halloween related links.  We start with the annual goard art work created by Sarah and myself while watching the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.

Pumpkin photography is always a bug-a-boo for me.  Could be the lighting, could be the cell phone, could be the pumpkin guts on my hands as I'm trying to take the picture. Here are the best snapshots that I was able to take last night.

Brian's Pumpkin

 Sarah's Pumpkin

She had help with the power drill for the pixie dust trail.

Now for the conveying the real potential of using seasonal gourds as innovative lighting designs.  The following are pictures from the artist, Calabarte, who takes the pumpkin concept to a whole new level of lighting art.

Pictures from Calabarte website

His gallery can be found at:   This is where wonderful creativity and a Dremel tool come together.

Finally, people use to say that the code that I would write was scary.  Likely a fair assessment of my programming skills.  The following link will take you to what appears to be a fine line when judging programmers and serial killers by the cover.  Take the quiz to see if you can sort out the macabre from the geeks:

Happy all Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Yes your coding was scary but luckily your writing is not...
