Thursday, March 25, 2010

Peep Show

The correct age of a marshmallow peep is somewhere between 3 days old and finding last years lost peep deep in the Easter basket with the crinkled cellophane grass stuck to the peeps side where the peeps’ Siamese brother had been separated the previous Easter.

JustBorn Inc of Bethlehem PA cranks out nearly 700 million of the pastel treats on a yearly basis. Each peep requiring a 6 minute gestation period.

The following link provides a view into a combination of sweet extruded creativity and people who have considerably too much time on their hands.

The Washington Post Peep Diorama Contest 2010

Do yourself a favor and flip through the 40 finalist of the diorama contest.

A special note to my friends in the north east. New this year – JustBorn and Rita’s ICE are combining for Peep flavored Rita’s. I'm serious, I never kid about Rita's. Hurry – the special flavor ends at Easter. Personally I’m holding out for the black cherry and gelato mix this summer. Ohhhhhh, so good!

1 comment:

  1. i tried the peeps ice at rita's. it tastes exactly like a peep, which was actually kind of disgusting.
